These are sample projects that Zrodia developed for, or in collaboration with, our customers.

ZR-100 Uncompressed Video Recorder

The ZR-100 video recorder was developed to record uncompressed 4K video stream containing multi-channel audio and frame/camera metadata. The recorder stores the captured video in a custom FLASH-based memory that can be downloaded using dual eSATA ports.

The ZR-100 has received the ARRI T-Link Certification, which includes live raw video debayering, metadata handling, and live color chain processing.

The recorder is compatible with any video camera with 3G-SDI outputs.

At the heart of the recorder are an FPGA and an ARM processor. Because the hardware and software designs were done in a highly collaborative manner, processing was divided between hardware and software such that only a low power ARM processor was needed to handle the capture, processing, and storage of 4 multi-gigabit streams. Such a collaboration resulted in less engineering overhead and optimized product maintenance.

The uncompressed video recorder uses a custom storage media that matches the requirements of high speed video streams. This custom solution resulted in a more efficient data path between the video source and the storage media, without having to worry about storage requirements that are necessary in such environments as PCs and data centers.

Patents: 8,213,164 8,493,720

ZS-1000 Storage Media

The ZS-1000 is a storage solution the size of a 2.5" harddrive, that is slated for production later this year. It provides varying levels of storage capacity and recording speed, while using a highly upgradable connectivity solution. With this product, the recording capabilities can be upgraded without losing backward compatibility. The amount of throughput available with this product will allow uncompressed 8K video recording and beyond.

Video Post Production Tools

Zrodia developed a multi-platform (Windows/MacOS) application that can intuitively help verify, process, and export video data captured by the video recorder and present it in a format that is easily accessed by the end user.

The tools can also extract still frames and movie clips from raw uncompressed data and save it to a specified format.